Cycling (Cádiz): Roche-Torre del Puerco
This is an easy route (6Km all off-road and no major climbs) that takes you out the back of Roche into the pine forest, up a wide sandy track to the first houses of Sancti Petri (Loma del Puerco), along to the old lookout tower (Torre del Puerco) and then back again to Roche. The only bit of paved road is that leading down to the tower, and this can be missed out if you want to stay entirely off-road.
All distances are measured from the Sancti Petri Exit from Roche
0Km…. Head east along c/ Sauce (which marks Roche’s northern limit). At the end of Sauce, turn left onto the fire-break. After 750m (aprox) the fire-break crosses over a good unmade road.
2Km….Cross over the unmade road and follow the fire-break (that has now turned into a wide sandy track) all the way up to the apartments at the top of the hill. At the top of the hill, turn left and follow the track all the way along to the Roche-Sancti Petri road.
4Km…..When you hit the Roche-Sancti Petri road, you then follow the track that now doubles back (running along the left hand side of the road) towards Roche. (If you want to carry on to the tower, you ride long the road –dangerous bend- towards Sancti Petri some 50m until you see the turning -on your left- down to the Torre del Puerco). As you follow the track back towards Roche, you will fork off to the left after about 300m (towards the trees).
5Km……the left-hand fork crosses over the good unmade road that you crossed over earlier and the track then gets thinner as it works its way through fairly dense forest all the way back to the fire-break.
5.5Km……once you reach the fire-break, you have completed a circle, and you turn right and head back towards Calle Sauce in Roche.